Getting started

Create an account

First, you’ll need to create an account. You will also need to provide a payment method, but you will not be charged for the first 250k checks (when your account accrues a $5 balance). To put this in perspective, you can do one check every 30 seconds for nearly three months before hitting this limit.

You will not be charged until you reach 250,000 checks

We require a valid payment method to deter fraud or leveraging our platform to perform attacks.

If you close your account prior to reaching the $5 limit, you will not be charged.

Download the SDK

Our SDK includes some utilities and code samples to get you started.

Install the Tacdog GitHub app

Our GitHub app allows you to specify which repositories we will deploy from and sets up automatic deployment for code changes.

Configure the GitHub integration

In the Tacdog web console, click on the “Integrations” gear icon. Next, click the gear icon on the GitHub integration. You should see any repositories that you have configured in the GitHub app.

By default, we monitor the master Git branch and look for a directory named tacdog/, but you can set these to any appropriate value.

Configure the DataDog integration

Next, select the DataDog plugin. Enter your DataDog API key in the provided field and click the checkmark icon to save.